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DT RegisterWe are happy to announce the release of DT Register 2.7.4, now available. We've been incredibly busy addressing issues as they have been discovered, and also making various improvements based on your input and requests. Most of the enhancements come in the area of the calendar and we know you'll like them! We've also inlcuded many various fixes. In the 2.7.3 series, we had 3 sub-releases so check the announcements forum to see what you might have missed there. Coming from 2.7.3c, here are the changes you will see...

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As the number of DT extension users continues to rise and we are always putting tons of effort into ongoing enhancement and feature development, we often find ourselves short on man hours. While we did recently add a new member to our support team, we still struggle off and on to keep up with support to the level that we desire. As we contemplate solutions for this, we have come up with this proposition... which has been suggested by several of our existing users.

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DT RegisterWe have named this news release "Removing Hesitations". Why? Because we have now released DT Register 2.7.3, which we believe should remove any hesitation you may have had for upgrading into the new 2.7 series. As you've seen, we have updated the package a number of times as we've been quickly addressing any known issues in the massive overhaul of 2.7. Some have sat on the sidelines, watching and waiting. Time to get off the sidelines and get your site moved into the latest version of this great component. This package not only fixes many known issues, it also adds some new features and improvements... answering your requests and continuing to keep DT Register as the leading solution for Joomla event registration. Coming from 2.7.2e, here are the changes you will see...

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DT RegisterWe have continued to move forward with the new 2.7 series, more fixes but also some nice new improvements! There have been a handful of updates to the 2.7.1 package as we continue to make improved packages and address known issues. We've been posting in the Announcements category of the forum each package update and listing all of the bug fixes that were addressed. To see fixes in the last few builds, check the forum. Always keep close tabs on updates to make sure you are not dealing with an issue that we've already fixed. Here is what has been done since the 2.7.1d build...

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DT RegisterAs many of you know, the initial 2.7 release was a bit bumpy for many users. I think we fell to the massive pressure from so many users to release it and ended up releasing just a little too early. Since then, we've been working non-stop to address issues and make ongoing improvements. There have been numerous package updates over the last few weeks as we've been resolving issues in groups, doing them in a priority level ordering. Now it's time to release 2.7.1 which contains all fixes to this point as well as a new payment gateway option, Saferpay. While there are some lower level issues remaining that affect only select users, this package is much more stable than the initial 2.7.0 release.

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