DT Donate features
Core features of leading donation extension for Joomla
Donation Campaign Management
DT Donate 4.0 allows admin to create unlimited Donation campaign category and Donation campaigns and support to show the donation campaigns in list view with flexible layout. Each donation campaign includes title, description, start date, end date, donation goal, minimum amount, maximum amount, donation intro image and full image, pre-defined donation amount.
Donnor can view and select to donate for specific campaign.
Support Onetime and Recurring Donation
When donor access to Donation form, they can choose to make one time or recurring donation.
- The donation form is configurable. You can choose to show/hide, required/not required any fields on the form. You are able to create custom fields to collect more information about donors.
- You can define pre-defined amounts for donation form. When donor make donation, they can choose from one of pre-defined amounts or enter specific amount into Amount field.
- For recurring donation, donors can choose Frequency (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Annually) and number of recurring payments (or unlimited). Donors can choose the payment gateways they want to use (in case you have multiple payment gateways available).
Supports 40+ Payments gateways
DT Donate Joomla donation extension is integrated with our new JA Payment Gateways plugin to support more thang 40 popular payment gateways like: Paypal, Stripe, Authorize.net, TwoCheckout and more.
JA Payment Gateways plugin is included in the DT Donate download, no extra fee.
Beautiful and responsive design
DT Donate 4.0 now supports responsive, every page loooks great on all supported responsive layouts: Desktop, Laptop, Tablet and mobile. Its design, UI/UX is improved alots to make it looks really clean and nice.
Donation fields management
By default, DT Donate supports standard fields for donation form and donation profile: Title, first name, last name, organization, address, city, state, email ... Admin can configure to show or hide each field in Donation form and profile form.
Flexible Custom fields
Besides default fields, user can create unlimited custom fields.
- You can choose which fields are showed/hided, required/not required on donation form.
- You are able to create un-limited custom fields to collect more information about donors (beside the basic core fields like First Name, Last Name....).
- Support 9 different types of custom fields: Textbox, Textarea, Dropdown, Checkbox List, Radiolist
Email notification system
The donation extension for Joomla provide flexible notification email system with easy configuration panel. You can configure From Name, From Email, Notification email and email subject, email content. It also supports multiple tags to insert to the email content like:[NAME], [AMOUNT], [PAYMENT_TYPE] and [DATE].
Multiple modules
DT Donate includes 2 modules:
- DT Donate Campaigns Module: show campaigns from selected categories
- DT Donate Donors: show latest donnors
DT Donate Payment Gateways
Supports 40+ Popular Payment Gateways
- Stripe
- PayPal Express
- PayPal Pro
- AuthorizeNet AIM
- Twocheckout Plus
- Sofort
- Mollie
- Eway Rapid
- Eway Direct
- First Data Connect
- First Data Webservice
- First Data Payeezy
- TargetPay Directebanking
- TargetPay Ideal
- TargetPay Mrcash
- UnionPay Express
- UnionPay LegacyMobile
- UnionPay LegacyQuickPay
- WorldPay
- Netaxept
- NetBanx
- PayFast
- Payflow Pro
- PaymentExpress PxFusion
- PaymentExpress PxPost
- PaymentExpress PxPay
- Pin
- SagePay Server
- SagePay Direct
- SecurePay SecureXML
- SecurePay DirectPost
- GoCardless
DT Donate Pricing Table
Flexible pricing, pay less, get more
DT Donate Pro
$50- 1 Year Updates
- All plugins
- Unlimited domains
- 20% Renewal discount
- Forum Support
$- DT Register
- DT Invoice
- DT DocuSign
- DT Donate
- Forum & Ticket Support
Ultimate Dev
$- Dev Access to:
- DTH Development
- JoomlArt
- JomSocial
- iJoomla
- Gavick
- JoomlaBamboo
- Shape5