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Moderators: nathan.dth, dthadmin
488 Topics 1016 Replies
Re: Does DT Register not support K2 Items?
by bdonner
6 years 2 months ago
Development for Joomla 1.0 for DT Register stopped in early 2009. You can browse old threads, but not post any.

Moderators: nathan.dth, dthadmin
332 Topics 955 Replies
Custom Field - Field Name
by bitmek
13 years 4 months ago
Discuss the J1.5 version of DT Register

Moderators: nathan.dth, dthadmin
3079 Topics 7090 Replies
Re: "Label" Field Strips HTML
by nathan.dth
7 years 7 months ago
Discuss DT Register for Joomla 1.7 (2.7.9 +) and Joomla 2.5 (2.7.13+).

Moderators: nathan.dth, dthadmin
1284 Topics 2771 Replies
Re: Paypal change from GET to POST - Please HELP
by nathan.dth
6 years 4 months ago
Discuss DT Register for Joomla 3.x

Moderators: nathan.dth, dthadmin
1053 Topics 2852 Replies
Re: Registration Overview for Admins only
by webcouw
4 years 10 months ago
What additional functionalities would you like to see for DT Register?

Moderators: nathan.dth, dthadmin
806 Topics 1096 Replies
Phone number validation
by Alaskan
6 years 1 month ago
Discuss and get help with any of the optional add-on plugins for DT Register including: ICS Import, MailChimp Subscriber, Acajoom Subscriber and MyScript.

Moderators: nathan.dth, dthadmin
80 Topics 118 Replies
Re: DT MyScript
by nathan.dth
6 years 2 months ago

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